Embodied Hope Expressed with Gentleness & Respect

April 26, 2020 Speaker: Rev. David Donovan Series: Coronavirus Virtual Service Livestreams

Scripture: 1 Peter 3:8–17

Using the scriptures from James and 1st Peter, Pastor David encourages his flock to be mindful of the dangers of the tongue. In this era, "speech" Tweeted from Dallas, GA has potential to ignite a firestorm of controversy and division across the world in micro-seconds! Especially with conflicting stories and unverified "evidence" being shouted from a multitude of channels around COVID-19, we are exhorted to always be ready to give a explanation for the foundational truth of our hope: that Jesus Christ redeems sinners through his atonement on the cross and resurrection from the grave, and prepares a place for us in glory. Any speech that we offer on topics that we do not know to be true puts our witness to a fallen world in jeopardy.